Friday, June 24, 2011

Find Us On Facebook

When I began this blog about Haley in April of 2010, part of the reason that I decided to write a blog was because my husband thought it would be fun if Haley had a facebook. 

When he suggested it, I just laughed.  I know she uses the Internet, and she uses it well, but of course she wouldn't be able to post, or like or interact the way that other people do on facebook. 

He thought it would be fun to have a web presence for Haley that would feature the things that she likes and I agreed.  That would be fun, but I was not about to sign her up on facebook.

I read several blogs at the time and I had been toying with the idea of writing my own blog.  I thought that people might like to read my unique perspective on life, but I wasn't sure what form my blog would take. 

My husband and I had several discussions about it.  We tossed ideas back and forth.  Then one day it just came to me.  "What if my blog wasn't about me, what if my blog was about Haley?"  Once I had that thought the blog post ideas just started flowing.  I wrote them down.  I filled two pages.  I thought "I can do this!"

So this blog was born on April 27, 2010 and the very first blog post was Money. One. Two. Three.

I posted it to my personal page and people really responded to it.  I have gotten great responses from my friends and my family ever since.  I am happy that people like to read what I write, but I don't fool myself.  I know what people really like are the stories about Haley.

So I have decided that maybe it is time that Haley have a facebook. 

The facebook page for this blog will include blog post updates as well as what Haley's likes and the occasional incident or quote that won't make it into a full post on this blog.  So check it out.

If you are on facebook click on the link at the right of this website to "Like" our facebook page.  If you are not on facebook, what the heck are you waiting for?  Now is your chance.  Sign up and then "Like us!"

If you know me please respect my decision to write this blog in anonymity.  I have done it for the safety of my daughter.  If you refer to me or my husband on our facebook page please stick with Haley's Mom and Haley's Dad.  Thank you.

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