Thursday, March 8, 2012

This is what happens...

...when I don't post in a while.

People are asking me for posts.  Several people in the last week have upbraided me (politely) for not posting.

Here is my problem.  I am a little late with the posts.  Lots of things have been happening around here.  Now I can't decide what to write about, where to begin.  I want to tell you everything, but I know I should be picky.  I am a procrastinator.  This is my life.

So, this is what you missed:

Haley is on the Honor Roll at her High School.  She has a 4.0 grade point average.  I am sure she will be valedictorian when she graduates. :)

Haley has pooped on the toilet, not once, but four separate times in the last couple of weeks.  It is a big deal around here.  We all high five and yell.

On Sunday I was out of the house most of the day and when I went upstairs I was greeted with a toy explosion.  ALL of Haley's toys were ALL over the second floor.  She had been busy.

Haley is a teenager.  You know how teenagers can be.  She has an attitude sometimes.  For some reason the attitude is directed at her Father more than anyone else.  She grunts when he asks her something.  She pushes him away when he gets too close.  Last night he was walking by her as she sat at the dinner table on his way to sit down and she punched him.  She punched him, um, you know where...he yelled and landed on the floor.  I tried not to laugh.  Haley's Big Sis tried not to laugh.  He tried not to laugh.

It wasn't wasn't.  Hee, hee, hee.

Don't tell her I told you this, but Haley's Big Sis enjoys putting Hannah Montana songs on her computer and playing them loud so that Haley can dance around the kitchen singing.  And boy does she!

Haley got a notebook for Christmas from our neighbor.  It is so cute.  It has her name on it and it came with a pen.  Haley likes to write and draw in her notebook.  She likes me to write words so that she can trace them.  She had her Grandma write some words in her notebook when we were visiting them.  She wrote Grandma and Grandpa in the notebook.  She only wrote it on one page, in hindsight it might have been better to write on several pages because Haley looks at that page and points at that page and talks about that page so much that it is very dog-eared.  I am afraid that it will soon fall out of the notebook.

Haley still wants to go tent camping at the Tree Farm.  She talks about it everyday.  We have the words Tent, Camping, Fire and Tree Farm on the Magic White Board.  It is only a matter of time.

So...Life is good.  Haley is busy.  She improves at everything just a little bit every day.

And that is what you've missed.

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